At the begining when you start the game press and hold shift and 4, notice how there is a dollar sign $ above, if you do not do it at the begining a., Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection PC. Use a text editor to to edit the 'zoo.ini' file. Change the MSMaxCash value to a new amount for your starting money. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'zoo.ini' file. Add the following entries under the scenario section: scenario. Aug 11, 2003 For Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection on the PC, GameFAQs has 191 cheat codes and secrets. Ka52 team alligator cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc Rift Cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Rift for PC.
Zoo Tycoon - Complete Collection for PC Cheats - Cheatbook is the resource for the latest tips, unlockables, cheat codes, easter eggs, hints and secrets to get the edge to win. Zoo Tycoon - Complete Collection Cheat Codes:-Submitted by: Haspa Additional Money: -This requires you to do some file editing, but it's very easy. Open the 'zoo.ini' in your Zoo Tycoon directory with notepad or a similar text editor. Find the line that says 'MSMaxCash'. Change the figure next to it to whatever you want. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Zoo Tycoon 2001 for PC.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction. More Zoo Tycoon 2 Cheats and Tips. We have 14 cheats and tips on PC. If you have any cheats or tips for Zoo Tycoon 2 please send them in here. We also have cheats for this game on: PlayStation 2. You can also ask your question on our Zoo Tycoon 2 Questions & Answers page.
Zoo Tycoon Computer Game

Zoo Tycoon Pc Game Cheats Codes
Zoo Tycoon Pc Game Cheats Pc
Mini Exhibits:
When you are starting out and don't have much money consider buying mini exhibits in order to bring in more guests to your zoo. Don't have more than three mini exhibits though unless they are a requirement for Campaign mode.
High on your priority list when starting out should be facilites as they are much needed necessities when running a zoo that will enable you to not only to profit from them but also allow you to focus on areas that need more attention.
Zoo Tycoon Cheat Code

When you begin the game try and get a Level 2 worker as they are better at what they do than a Level 1 worker and they are not that much more expensive.
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Multiple Award Winner (25 points): Receive 5 awards in the same zoo (Challenge Mode only).
Animal Lover (5 points): Make an animal completely happy.
Research Party (15 points): Research 10 items (Campaign & Challenge Modes only).
Happy Animal Friends (25 points): Keep your average animal happiness in the Green for 20 minutes.
Staffing Up (5 points): Hire a member of staff.
We Can Make it Better (5 points): Upgrade an attraction.
Smooth Over the Cracks (5 points): Repair an attraction or enrichment.
Research Warrant (5 points): Research an item (Campaign & Challenge Modes only).
Challenger (5 points): Complete a challenge (Challenge Mode only).
Award Winner (5 points): Receive an award (Challenge Mode only).
If You Build Them (10 points): Build your 1st exhibit.
You've Got to Start Somewhere (10 points): Start your first zoo.
Have You Seen This Guy?! (25 points): Breed a color variant of an animal.
One of Each (40 points): Breed every animal type.
One of Everything (100 points): Breed every animal and their color variants.
No Free Refills (25 points): Refill the animal cleaning stations 250 times.
Feeder (15 points): Restock the feeding stations 250 times.
Conservationalist (75 points): Release one of every animal type into the wild.
Go Viral! (20 points): Have a successful Viral Advertising campaign.
Poop Master (35 points): Clear up 1,000 pieces of poop.
Close to the Animals (15 points): Complete all 3 interactions with the animals.
Treat Time (20 points): Complete 25 treat interactions.
Shower Time (20 points): Complete 25 hose interactions.
Play Time (20 points): Play with 25 animals.
The Zoo Tycoon (50 points): Receive all 20 awards in the same zoo (Challenge Mode only).
Number 1 Contender (25 points): Complete 25 Challenges (Challenge Mode only).
World Heavyweight Champ (30 points): Complete 100 challenges (Challenge Mode only).
The Concessioner (5 points): Build every type of concession in the same zoo.
Upgrading is for Winners (10 points): Upgrade an attraction to level 3.
Top of the Charts (50 points): Increase your Fame level 100 times across all your zoos.
Snap Happy (10 points): Fill a photo album.
Photographer Extraordinaire (35 points): Fill all the photo albums.
Phase One Complete (5 points): Complete a scenario (Campaign Mode only).
You've Got Skills (25 points): Complete 5 scenarios (Campaign Mode only).
Correction, the Mad SkillZ (50 points): Complete all the scenarios (Campaign Mode only).
You're Gonna Eat Lightnin' (10 points): Train a member of staff up to level 3.
Are your Legs Tired? (35 points): Run 10km.
Time for a Tire Change (35 points): Drive 25km.
Guestalicious (15 points): Have a guest rating of 10,000 in your zoo (Challenge Mode only).
Customizer (5 points): Customize 50 different attractions.
Earning a Living (5 points): Earn $100,000 (Campaign & Challenge Modes only).
I'm a Millionare! (15 points): Earn $1,000,000 (Campaign & Challenge Modes only).
A Multimillionare who's a Ninja (30 points): Earn $10,000,000 (Campaign & Challenge Modes only).
Red Hot Research (30 points): Research everything (Campaign & Challenge Modes only).