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Incredible Hulk, The (Xbox 360) by Sega. North Amercian Release Date: June 3, 2008. Wednesday, May 21, 2008. Encounter General Ross’s Spec Ops team for the first time. Where Is My KA-BOOM? Save New York from the Enclave Chemical Bomb. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction for Xbox.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page. A guide to unlockable skins and achievements for The Incredible Hulk on Xbox 360. We have 16 cheats and tips on Xbox 360. If you have any cheats or tips for The Incredible Hulk please send them in here.We also have cheats for this game on: Gameboy Advance: Wii: PC: PlayStation 3: Nintendo DS: PlayStation 2 You can also ask your question on our The Incredible Hulk.
This game is terrible really. I mean I did all I could in the video, not my fault it looks bad, it just IS bad. And yes, let this gameplay video reflect on t. This page contains The Incredible Hulk cheats list for PC version. Now we have 5 cheats in our list, which includes 1 unlockable, 4 secrets. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing The Incredible Hulk on PC platform. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the. #1 source for game cheats, hints, guides. Xbox 360-The Incredible Hulk. Unlockable How to Unlock; Surprise! (10) Encounter General Ross’s Spec Ops team for the.
Get the latest Incredible Hulk cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Incredible Hulk.
Defeat The Big Eye Robot
To pick up people you have to get up close tothem and press B now you can do your hulk movesto 'try' to harm them. You may find out that theyare indestructible no matter hoe hard you try todefeat them.
Destroying Buildings Completely
Yeah you can hit buildings but if you want tomake a building come crashing down listen. Justdestroy the foundation all around the building(it might fall before you destroy the wholefoundation).
We have no cheats or codes for Incredible Hulk yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Classic Hulk
To unlock the classic hulk you must find 5 comicbook covers hidden around the city.
To unlock abomination you just have to win the game.
To unlock Maestro you have to destroy a buildingin every neighborhood.
To unlock Ironclaud you have to defeat the U-foescomplete the game and trick a Ufoe into takingdown another one
Grey Hulk
To unlock the grey hulk you have to smash 10,000objects.

We have no easter eggs for Incredible Hulk yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Incredible Hulk yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no guides or FAQs for Incredible Hulk yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no achievements or trophies for Incredible Hulk yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Hulk Xbox Game
2 Players Action Achievement Adventure Airplane Alien Animal Artistic Avoiding Balance Ball Balloon Bear Beat em Up Bird Bomb Bouncing Brick Breaker Building Car Card Casual Cat Classic / Arcade Crime Defense Difference Distance Dragon Drawing Dress Up Driving Educational Emoticon Escape Farm Fighting Fire Fish Flying Food Funny Girl Golf Helicopter Hyper Interactions Kid Kung Fu MAD Magic Management Mario Matching Medieval Monkey Monster Motorcycle Mouse Multiplayer Music Mystery Ninja Panda Parody Penguin Physics Platform Point and Click Puzzles Rabbit Racing Reflex Restaurant Robot RPG / Strategy Running Samurai Scary Sci-Fi Science Shooting Simulation Skating Sniper Snow Soccer Sonic Space Sports Stickman Survival Tank Tennis Tossing Tower Defense Violent Word Zombie ALL GAMES MAD Funny Part MSN Emotions Groovy Themes Fire Cold GrabCart Links | Game Cheats @ MoFunZone.com | The Incredible Hulk Cheats For Xbox 360 Unlock SkinsUnlockable
| How to Unlock |
Abomination | Defeat the Abomination | Classic Hulk | Find 5 Comic Covers | Gray Hulk | Smash 10000 things | Hulkbuster (Ironman) | Have save data from Ironman | Ironclad | Defeat the U-Foes, Trick a U-Foes member into defeating a teammate and defeat the Abomination. | Maestro | Destroy a building in each New York City neighborhood | The Professor | Complete All the Jump Challanges |
| How to Unlock |
. . . And Thanks For Stopping By (25) | Dishonorably discharge Major Talbot. | A Leader In His Field (10) | Enlist Samuel Sterns in the search for a cure to Banner’s condition. | Abominable! (50) | Defeat the Abomination. | Alia Iacta Est (25) | Protect General Ross's team while they attack the Enclave base. | All That Glitters . . . (50) | Win a gold medal in every mini-game. | Anger Management (40) | Find all the Fury Canisters hidden in New York City. | Apprentice Of Disaster (25) | Destroy a building in each New York City neighborhood. | Around The World In 80 Steps (5) | Cross the tops of the flagpoles outside the U.N. Building. | Better, Stronger, Faster! (15) | Get a power boost from Samuel Sterns. | Brawn Beats Brains (25) | Shut down the Enclave's psych-ops branch. | Ceres Finale (25) | Shut down the Enclave's biotech group. | Don't Make Me Angry (5) | Defeat 50 enemies using Rage powers. | Enemy Of The Empire State (50) | Find every landmark souvenir in New York City. | Eww . . . Gross! (10) | Test the cure developed by Samuel Sterns. | Fairweather Friends (25) | Shut down the Enclave's weather manipulation division. | Fear Of Falling (5) | Complete 'We’re Not Giving Up – Part 2' without touching the ground. | Home Run (5) | Knock an enemy a distance of at least 436 feet. | Hulk Is Strongest One There Is! (50) | Gain access to all the upgrades. | Hulk SMASH!!! (15) | Defeat at least 1 enemy with each class of attack. | Let's Do Lunch! (10) | Crush 10 enemies by throwing either a taco, an ice cream cone or a doughnut. | Love Hurts (20) | Ignite an old flame . . . | Mad Dash (10) | Sprint a total distance of at least 26.2 miles (138,435ft). | Master Of Disaster (35) | Destroy every building in a New York City neighborhood. | Most Illogical (25) | Shut down the Enclave's mechanical design corps. | Now Playing (10) | Score 6,132,008 points. | Over The Edge (10) | Defeat 5 enemies by knocking them off a high building. | Para-Gone! (50) | Wipe out the Enclave's four sectors. | Patron Of The Arts (15) | View every piece of concept art at least once. | Pickin' Up The Pieces (20) | Smash 10,000 things. | PPO'd (40) | Find all the Gamma Canisters hidden in New York City. | Pure As New York Snow (10) | Clean up the contamination from the streets of New York. | Shell-Head (10) | With a friend like this . . . | Sightseeing (5) | Climb to the top of the five tallest buildings in New York City. | Smash-ifist (10) | Win a story mission without defeating any enemies. | Stay Classy . . . (20) | Expose Major Talbot on television. | Struck Out (5) | Complete 'The Problem is the Hulk - Part 3' without being hit by a lightning blast. | Surprise! (10) | Encounter General Ross’s Spec Ops team for the first time. | Terrifying Tourist (10) | Find every Subway Station in New York. | That'll Leave A Mark (10) | Stick 25 auto-wrecks to buildings. | The Enemy Of My Enemy (25) | Defeat Enclave’s F-POD...with a little help. | The Eyes Have It (10) | Destroy an Enclave Kyklops for the first time. | There Is No U In Team! (10) | Trick a U-Foe into taking down one of his or her teammates. | Thrill-ionaire (25) | Score 1,000,000 points while Strike Teams are active. | Two Heads Aren’t Better Than One (15) | Defeat the Bi-Beast. | Unleash the Fury! (5) | Get the Enclave off your back. | Veni, Vidi, Vici (50) | Defeat every type of enemy at least once. | What Goes Up . . . (20) | Crash and destroy the Enclave’s Lightning Satellite. | Where Is My KA-BOOM? (10) | Save New York from the Enclave Chemical Bomb. | World War Hulk (25) | Survive for longer than 60 seconds at Threat Level 9. | You Break It, You Buy It (10) | Smash as much as possible in one trip to Brazil. |
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