- Using CodeBreaker or Gameshark cheat codes with the ePSXe emulator is extremely easy! Choose the game you want to play and fire that bad boy up. Once you're in game exit out of the emulator as if you were closing the program (use the X in the upper right hand corner) and it'll close out that screen but not the entire emulator.
- Nines is a simple game that uses two decks of standard cards with jokers included, and is based almost entirely on luck. Players are dealt nine cards each, and they proceed to line them up into three vertical columns (3 cards per column). They each then turn over two cards that are in different columns. The goal of Nines is to have the fewest points at game end by getting columns with matching.
- Forces the next person to play a card with a value of 9 or lower, great way to stick the next person if they have all face cards. Note: remember if a 3 is played on a 9 it acts just like a 9. 8 (skips) - has to be played by rank value (that is it will only play on a 8 or lower).
- A deck of cards. Deal out all the cards to the players. The aim of this game is to get rid of all your cards. On the table is a discard pile, which starts empty. A turn consists of getting rid of one or more cards face down on the pile, and calling out their rank.

A deck of cards. Deal out all the cards to the players. The aim of this game is to get rid of all your cards. On the table is a discard pile, which starts empty. A turn consists of getting rid of one or more cards face down on the pile, and calling out their rank. Play Nine, the Card Game of Golf, is a fun and exciting twist on the classic game of golf. Just like the actual game, the person with the lowest score wins! Perfect for family game night, reunions, holiday parties, or as a down time activity, Play Nine is just the thing to keep everyone entertained and having a ball. For the Xbox 360, GameFAQs has game information and a community message board for game discussion.
Successfully complete the following modes in order: 'Training', 'Time Trial', 'Gun Shooting', 'Survival'. Note: Completing each mode will unlock the next mode in the sequence. Then, technical demonstration mode will be unlocked. Use it to watch the CPU demonstrate its best time with the gun.
Infinite ammoSuccessfully complete the game without submitting to Ocelot when being tortured to save Meryl. Then at the end of the game you will receive a bandana. Save your game, then start a new game using the same saved game. Now when you equip the bandana you can use an unlimited amount of ammo and will not have to reload your gun.
Stealth camouflage
Successfully complete the game with submitting to Ocelot when being tortured to not save Meryl. Then at the end of the game you will receive stealth camouflage. Save your game, then start a new game using the same saved game. Now when you equip the stealth camouflage enemies (except bosses) and cameras will not detect you.
CameraReach area B2 of the tank hanger. Then at the end of the hallway to the right of the door where you fight Ocerot is a secret room that is entered after using C4 explosive. In the room are security card level 4 and 6 doors. The camera is in the room behind the security card level 4 door. Alternatively, beat the game with submitting to Ocelot when being tortured. After you receive the camera there will be an 'Album' option on the main menu, use this option to view pictures that have been taken.
New texturesSuccessfully complete the game two times using the same saved game file, and getting a different ending both times by getting the bandana and stealth camouflage. Then during the next (third) time the game is played, reach Ninja without using the bandana or stealth camouflage. If done correctly, Ninja will be red. New carnival games ds cheats. There will now be new textures for Snake and Ninja and new bonus music during the ending.
Alternate costumeSuccessfully complete the game two times using the same saved game file, and getting a different ending both times by getting the bandana and stealth camouflage. Then during the next (third) time the game is played, Snake will change into a tuxedo in the elevator.
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Alternate title screenAt the title screen, press the D-pad to change the background color.
Codec frequenciesName | Frequency |
Campbell/Naomi | 140.85 |
Mel Ling | 140.96 |
Master | 141.80 |
Otacon | 141.12 |
Meryl | 140.15 |
Nastasha | 141.52 |
Deepthroat | 140.48 |
Magic rush game cheats. Play the game using a memory card that contains a saved game from any prior Konami title (Castlevania, ISS Soccer, Silent Hill, Suikoden, etc.). Then when Psycho Mantis attempts to read your character's mind, he will mention various game titles.
Pantless MerylFollow Meryl into the Women's bathroom and reach the last stall in under five seconds. Meryl will be caught with her pants down during the next sequence.
Humorous Meryl commentsGame Cheats For The Card Game Play Nine Pieces
Look at Meryl with the scope or camera.
Hints- Box destinations
Equip a box while in the trucks to travel to the destination on the boxes.
Annoy CambellSnipe the rats above where you first encounter Wolf or Snipe the ravens when at your second encounter with Raven.
Download Garden Of Weeden Android App to your Android phone or tablet for free, in apk, uploaded by Michelle in Entertainment. Garden Of Weeden.apk download for Android. All Downloads Free Ringtones Wallpapers Android Themes Android Apps Android Games Live Wallpapers Videos 3GP Videos Java Games Java Apps Symbian S60 Games Symbian S60 Apps. Garden Of Weeden (v4.1.9.5) The ORIGINAL Virtual Medical Marijuana Social Growing Game Grow plants, buy and even sell weed and hash to other players in real time! All completely LEGAL from the privacy of your own phone! Login and CHAT NOW in real time with everyone in Garden Of Weeden! Garden of weeden game cheats. Tips, secrets, cheats, & more for the android game, 'Garden of Weeden'. Information on how to make your HTC HERO into a 'SuperHERO', & other advise. The Garden of Weeden, a Magical Place where you can order Medical Marijuana Products and have them delivered to your front door. Nationwide Shipping.
Defeating Psycho MantisPlug the controller into port two and press any button before fighting Psycho Mantis. The word 'Hideo' will appear in the corner of a black screen. Use controller two to fight against Mantis to keep him from knowing your moves.
Seeing through Psycho Mantis' eyesWhen fighting Psycho Mantis, press Triangle to see through his eyes.
Easier driving sceneTo get a better view when shooting at Liquid Snake in the driving scene, hold Triangle while shooting the gun. -From: avidgamr@blueriver.net
Take a picture of the following locations using the camera to view hidden ghosts who are KCEJ development team members.
Name | Location |
Fujimura | Elevator in the Comm Tower B complex |
Fukushima | Heliport; looking out to sea from cliff |
Hirano | Elevator in Comm Tower B; deep in the shaft of top level |
Ishiyama | Heliport top of building |
Ito | Inside elevator to tank hangar |
Jerem Blaustein | Sniper Wolf's corpse |
Kaneda | The mirror located in the Women's restroom |
Kimura | MG underground base; tip of Metal Gear 's railgun |
Kinbara | Dark area of stairs |
Kitao | Decoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse |
Kobayashi | Rock in canyon |
Kobayashi | Johnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief |
Kojima | Otacon lab; the picture frame to the right |
Korekado | Men's restroom |
Kozyou | Behind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon |
Kutome | Observation room |
Makimura | Hidden armory store room; behind the weakened wall |
Matsuhana | Hallway of corpses; outside Otacons lab |
Mizutani | When fighting Metal Gear |
Mori | Lowest point of elevator; Comm Tower B |
Mukaide | Reflection in wolfdog cave puddle |
Muraoka | Water in cargo dock |
Nakamura | In Meryl's blood pool; where she is sniped |
Negishi | Sewage waterfall |
Nishimura | Next to Baker's corpse |
Okajima | Maggots of the real DARPA Chef in cell |
Onoda | Where Baker is tied up |
Sasaki | Picture frames in the Commander's room |
Sato | Comm Tower A; roof destroyed by Hind D missiles |
Scott Dolph | Deep down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Towers A and B |
Shigeno | Heliport,security caera by staircase |
Shikama | Electric floor |
Shimizu | Wolf dog cave; first crawling point |
Shinkawa | Deep in Sniper Wolf's hallway behind the second pillar |
Sonoyama | Torture machine |
Takade | Ninja room; glass atedga |
Tanaka | Heliport; sleeping soldier |
Tougo | End of boiler room; in Blast Furnace with the steam |
Toyota | Container in the middle of Raven's warehouse |
Uehara | Edge of elevator; where the ravens are |
Yamashita | Tip of nuke warhead in nuke storage room |
Yoshimura | Dead end of air duct |
Yoshioka | Bridge on the third floor of the blast furnace |
Infinite Health | 800B7526 0600 |
Max Health | 800B7528 0600 |
Infinite Oxygen | 800AE1AC 03E7 |
Ghost Mode | 800AE188 0000 800AE18A 0000 |
Never Get A Cold | 800B752A 0000 |
Radar Not Jammed When Spotted | 800AE178 0000 |
Unlock All VR Training Modes | 800B672B 0020 |
Auto Reload | 800AE164 000D |
Never Have Time Bomb | 800B757E 0000 |
Walk Thru Walls | 80027250 9CC4 80027252 0800 |
Have SOCOM Pistol | 800B7532 03E7 800B7546 03E7 |
Have FAMAS Rifle | 800B7534 03E7 800B7548 03E7 |
Have Nikita | 800B7538 03E7 800B754C 03E7 |
Have Stinger | 800B753A 03E7 800B754E 03E7 |
Have PSG1 Rifle | 800B7544 03E7 800B7558 03E7 |
Have Claymore Mines | 800B753C 03E7 800B7550 03E7 |
Have C4 | 800B753E 03E7 800B7552 03E7 |
Have Grenades | 800B7536 03E7 800B754A 03E7 |
Have Stun Grenades | 800B7540 03E7 800B7554 03E7 |
Have Chaff Grenades | 800B7542 03E7 800B7556 03E7 |
Have Cigarettes | 800B755A 0001 |
Have Scope | 800B755C 0001 |
Have Cardboard Box A | 800B755E 0001 |
Have Cardboard Box B | 800B7560 0001 |
Have Cardboard Box C | 800B7562 0001 |
Have Night Vision Goggles | 800B7564 0001 |
Have Thermal Goggles | 800B7566 0001 |
Have Gas Mask | 800B7568 0001 |
Have Body Armor | 800B756A 0001 |
Have Ketchup | 800B756C 0001 |
Have Stealth Camouflage | 800B756E 0001 |
Have Bandana | 800B7570 0001 |
Have Camera | 800B7572 0001 |
Have 255 Rations | 800B7574 03E7 800B758A 03E7 |
Have 255 Medicine | 800B7576 03E7 800B758C 03E7 |
Have 255 Diazepam | 800B7578 03E7 800B758E 03E7 |
Have PAL Key | 800B757A 0001 |
Have Level 100 Key Card | 800B757C 0064 |
Have Mine Detector | 800B7580 0001 |
Have MO Disc | 800B7582 0001 |
Have Rope | 800B7584 0001 |
Have Hankerchief | 800B7586 0001 |
Have Suppressor Active | 800B7588 0000 |
Weapon Equipped Modifier Code | 800B752C ???? |
Item Equipped Modifier Code | 800B752E ???? |
End Ranking Codes | |
No Continues Used | 800B75BE 0000 |
Lots of Kills | 800B75AE 0258 |
0 Kills | 800B75AE 0000 |
Found 0 times | 800B75AC 0000 |
No Rations Used | 800B75BC 0000 |
Never Saved | 800B75C0 0000 |
First 2 Digits of Time Elapsed is 00 | 800B75C6 0000 |
Quantity Digits to Accompany Weapon Equipped Modifier Code | |
0000 - SOCOM Pistol 0001 - FAMAS Rifle 0002 - Grenade 0003 - Nikita 0004 - Stinger 0005 - Claymore 0006 - C4 0007 - Stun Grenade 0008 - Chaff Grenade 0009 - PSG1 Rifle FFFF - Nothing | |
Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Equipped Modifier Code | |
0000 - Cigarettes 0001 - Scope 0002 - Cardboard Box A 0003 - Cardboard Box B 0004 - Cardboard Box C 0005 - Night Vision Goggles 0006 - Thermal Goggles 0007 - Gas Mask 0008 - Body Armor 0009 - Ketchup 000A - Stealth Camouflage 000B - Bandana 000C - Camera 000D - Ration 000E - Medicine 000F - Diazepam 0010 - PAL Key 0011 - Level ? Card 0012 - Time Bomb 0013 - Mine Detector 0014 - MO Disc 0015 - Rope 0016 - Hankerchief 0017 - Suppressor FFFF - Nothing |
-Some Game Shark Codes from: avidgamer@blueriver.net
Street rod 2 pc game cheats codes. Get the latest Street Rod 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Street Rod 2.
Play 13 Card Game Online
Infinite Health | 800B752E 03E8 |
Infinite Oxygen | 800AE1B4 03E8 |
Auto Reload | 800AE16C 000D |
Have SOCOM Pistol & Ammo | 800B753A 0019 |
Extra Ammo SOCOM Pistol | 80067CD8 0001 |
Have FAMAS Rifle & Ammo | 800B753C 0065 |
Extra Ammo FAMAS Rifle | 800682F4 0001 |
Have Nikita & Ammo | 800B7540 0004 |
Extra Ammo Nikita | 80068FE0 0001 |
Have Stinger & Ammo | 800B7542 0004 |
Extra Ammo Stinger | 80069524 0001 |
Have PSG1 Rifle & Ammo | 800B754C 0005 |
Extra Ammo PSG1 Rifle | 8006A378 0001 |
Have Claymore | 800B7544 0006 |
Extra Claymores | 800698D8 0001 |
Have C-4 | 800B7546 0004 |
Extra C-4 | 80069C24 0001 |
Have Grenade | 800B753E 0008 |
Have Stun Grenade | 800B7548 0003 |
Have Chaff Grenade | 800B754A 0003 |
Have Cigarettes | 800B7562 0001 |
Have Scope | 800B7564 0001 |
Have Cardboard Box A | 800B7566 0001 |
Have Cardboard Box B | 800B7568 0001 |
Have Cardboard Box C | 800B756A 0001 |
Have Night Vision Goggles | 800B756C 0001 |
Have Thermal Goggles | 800B756E 0001 |
Have Gas Mask | 800B7570 0001 |
Have Body Armor | 800B7572 0001 |
Have Ketchup | 800B7574 0001 |
Have Stealth Camouflage | 800B7576 0001 |
Have Bandana | 800B7578 0001 |
Have Camera | 800B757A 0001 |
Have Rations | 800B757C 0002 |
Have Medicine | 800B757E 0002 |
Have Diazepam | 800B7580 0002 |
Have PAL Key | 800B7582 0001 |
Have Level 10 Key | 800B7584 000A |
Have Mine Detector | 800B7588 0001 |
Have MO Disk | 800B758A 0001 |
Have Rope | 800B758C 0001 |
Have Hankerchief | 800B758E 0001 |
Have Suppressor | 800B7590 0000 |
Never Have Time Bomb | 800B7586 0000 |