Complete the game in Magician, Fighter and Shooter modes and enter ‘DAGGER’ as your name when starting a new game. Get the Shining Armour: It is located in the chapel tower once you have beaten the Battle Arena. We have more cheats and tips for this game here, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon cheats. This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (USA). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Codebreaker device to use these codes.
- Circle Of The Shepherd Druid 5e
- Circle Of The Moon Walkthrough
- Castlevania Circle Of The Moon Game Boy Advance Cheats Walk Through Walls
- Circle Of The Moon 5e
- Castlevania Circle Of The Moon
This will be probably the best code there is for Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. You have to have at Least 1 attack card and 1 attribute card, you switch to a regular combination of any cards that you have. Then you press L to activate it. Find all our Castlevania: Circle of the Moon Game Shark Codes for Gameboy Advance. Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system. Successfully complete the game, then start a new game and enter 'FIREBALL' as a name. If you entered the code correctly, the word 'Magician' will appear on the option screen. Game dev tycoon cheat engine guide. All trading cards will be available under the DSS option. Successfully complete 'Magician' mode, then start a new game. Battle Arena cheat When you complete the Battle Arena and you are in the same room as the Shinning Armor, you can do the last 3 rooms over and over. When you are about to slide out, step back a little bit and slide.
Successfully complete the game, then start a new game and enter 'FIREBALL' as a name. If you entered the code correctly, the word 'Magician' will appear on the option screen. All trading cards will be available under the DSS option.
Fighter modeSuccessfully complete 'Magician' mode, then start a new game and enter 'GRADIUS' as a name. If you entered the code correctly, the word 'Fighter' will appear on the option screen. Nathan will be stronger and able to sustain more damage. There are no trading cards in this mode.
Shooter modeSuccessfully complete 'Fighter' mode, then start a new game and enter 'CROSSBOW' as a name. If you entered the code correctly, the word 'Shooter' will appear on the option screen. Nathan will have a substantial number of hearts, extra sub-weapon damage, and can use the Homing Dagger sub-weapon in this mode.
Thief modeSuccessfully complete 'Shooter' mode, then start a new game and enter 'DAGGER' as a name. If you entered the code correctly, the word 'Thief' will appear on the option screen. Nathan stats will be reduced in both the value they start and increase with each level, except with LCK (Luck). Nathan will start with the value of 1600 LCK, and will gain an additional 160 LCK with each level (so at level 11 he will have 3200, and 4800 at 21, etc.).
Spinning attackCheat game gta 5 ps4. When using the whip, hold down Attack to make it spin around in a circle. It will act like a shield, so you cannot get hit by small enemies around you. Note: You cannot move while doing this attack.
Defeating Dragon Zombies (Twin Dragons)To defeat the Dragon Zombies easily, whenever you get hurt, jump up to the platform by the door where you entered the room and activate the Jupiter + Mandragora DSS combo to heal yourself. A fireball may hit you every once in a while, but it is very rare.
Defeating DeathTo defeat Death very easily, just activate the Jupiter + Manticore DSS combo. His sickles cannot hit you, and by this point in the game you will probably never run out of MP because this combo will use it slower than you restore it.
Use any DSS card combinationNote: You must have at least one action and attribute card. Equip an action and attribute card and press L (the DSS button). Immediately press Start, go into the DSS, and pick any card no matter if it is unknown or not. Note: This may require a few attempts. -From:
Use DSS in Battle ArenaIn the Battle Arena, equip a good DSS Summon Combo (for example, Uranus + Cockatrice). Press Start, select 'Items', then 'Use', and use a 'Mind High' (not a 'Mind Restore' -- however they can work, but you will need to be extremely fast). Immediately after exiting the pause menu, press the DSS button. When your character is done casting, press Down, Forward, Up, Attack. If done fast enough, you should have pulled off a summon in the Battle Arena.
Enemies that drop DSS cardsThe following is a list of enemies and locations that drop various DSS cards:
- Mercury: Bone Head in Catacomb.
- Venus: Slime in Catacomb, Abyss Corridor (hidden room), and Audience Room.
- Jupiter: Heat Shade in Machine Tower.
- Mars: Bloody Sword in Chapel Tower.
- Diana: Man Eater in Underground Gallery.
- Apollo: Arch Demon in Underground Storage.
- Neptune: Ice Armor in Underground Waterway.
- Saturn: Fallen Angel near the Battle Arena.
- Uranus: Scary Candle in Golem Boss Room (defeat Camilla first).
- Pluto: Trick Candle in Cerebus Boss Room (defeat Camilla first).
Attribute Cards
- Salamander: Bomb skeleton in Catacomb.
- Serpent: Earth Demon in Catacomb.
- Mandragoras: Axe Armor in Abyss Corridor(in a hidden room), Audience Room.
- Golem: Electric Skeleton in Audience Room.
- Cockarice: Stone Armor in Machine Tower.
- Manticore: Thunder Demon in Machine Tower.
- Griffon: Skeleton Athletes in Audience Room (hidden room way to the right).
- Thunderbird: Were-Panther in Chapel Tower.
- Unicorn: White Armor in Battle Arena.
- Black Dog: Devil Armor in Battle Arena.
Action Cards
Deadpool game walkthrough. You wont fight any large brutes during this challenge. On the said corridor you have to make your stand.Place mines and bear traps near the door on the opposite side, then focus on the enemies that escape.
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Get the latest Castlevania: Circle of the Moon cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Castlevania: Circle of the Moon.
Use Cards You Don't Have!
First, make sure you have at least one action andattribute card. Then, activate those cards. Inthe middle of activation ( while Nathan is stillyellow) pause the game. Go to the DSS section andput the cursors on the cards you want to use.When you unpause, Nathan will have the magic ofthe cards you don't have!Note: this code does not give you the cards. Theslots remain empty.
Using Any Card Combination Even If You Dont Have The Cards
This will be probably the best code there is for Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. You have to have at Least 1 attack card and 1 attribute card, you switch to a regularcombination of any cards that you have. Then you press L to activate it. While Nathan has his arms back, cape up, and a glow around him, you press strart and switch to any card combination. It doesnt show the cards that you didnt collect, but if you look in a strategy giude and it shows the order the cards are in you could use that. So anyway, after you switch to the card combination you want, unpause the game, and there you go!remember, if you run out of mind power or you press L again after you have your combination up, then you will have to do this process again.
Blue Nathan
This will take a while. But all you need to do isfind an Ice Armor. Now, activate Jupiter+BlackDog. Stand very close to the Armor. When thespear hits, Nathan will get hurt, but he will notbe frozen but still turn blue. Next time you gethit, you'll go back to normal.
Sword Draw Power Sign Stays
Circle Of The Shepherd Druid 5e
This is actually quite simple. Activate 'Sword Draw' attack using the Mars and Griffon cards. While on a crumbleing platform, hold B to power up the draw. When you fall, you won't attack, but it will look like you are still chargeing up the move, even though you are not! Note: Combine Jupiter with any card. I'll leave what happens a secret.
Circle Of The Moon Walkthrough
Turn Into A Skeleton
To do this you must have the last two Dss cardsor do the Use any Dss Card cheat.So select the last two Dss cards on the right andwhile playing chant to turn in to a Skeleton, youcan attack while in this mode by throwing Bonesand you can even throw a relly BIG bone too. Theonly down side to the whole thing is that if youget hit once by a bad guy you will die, no matterif you have full health.
Turn Into A Bear
Equip the Bear Ring (from Skeleton Medalist in asecret room on the left side of the shaft youfall down in the beginning of the game) andactivate the last two DSS cards (Pluto and BlackDog). You will turn into a bear. While in bearform you can shoot from of your head. Hold Up andpress Attack to shoot from your rear. Hold Downand press Attack to drop a bomb.
Attack While Cursed
When using the whip, hold down Attack to make itspin around in a circle. It will act like ashield, so you cannot get hit by small enemiesaround you. Note: You cannot move while doingthis attack.
Defeat First Dracula Easily
(N.B. first Dracula is the one in the CeremonialRoom with Morris). On the 'Items' menu select thenight suit and a strenght ring on each arm. onthe DSS menu select a strenght combo(e.g. Plutoand Thunderbird). Be sure to have the crucifix assub-weapon. When you enter the room and Draculafinishes talking press 'L' and then move close tothe vertical light, when he appears attack withthe crucifix only. Then move to the door andrepeat until Level Up appears twice.After Hugh takes Morris away, exit the room andgo to the lowest part of the Ceremonial Roombreak the ground and there will be an HP maxincrease, take and return to where Dracula escaped(enter the beam of light and you'll betransported there.)
Beat Lalika Easily
To gain exp easily, locate Lalika and beat her or find the devil and beat him. (May take a litle while.)
Use All Dss Cards
To do this you have to tap the L button and halfway through the power up push start. Go to dssand then select any of the cards you dont havebut it wont tell what card it is you just have toselect it. After you are done go ahead and tap Lto stop. If you want to do it again you have tore-set the cards to re power up.
Hidden Items
Where ever there is a lighted torch jump up andwhip the flame and one of the following willfall: a little heart, a big heart, Armor,Weapons, and other Items.

Defeat Camilla Easily
Fist make sure you have a sheild for yourself. Then stay and crouch on the highest platform. When Camilla comes tward you, you should hold down the whip button and inflict more damage - It will take a while but she will fall.
Get The Bear Ring
Castlevania Circle Of The Moon Game Boy Advance Cheats Walk Through Walls
To get the bear ring, you must have the clock sub-weapon and be able to have the item crush attack. Then you go to the secret spot on the left side of the tunnel that you drop down in the beginning. In there is another secret spot in the ceiling of that room. Break open the entrance, then cast the item crush attack with the clock. Directly after casting, super-jump up into the room above where there is a skeleton medalist. You must hurry and kill him before he runs into the wall and kills himself. If you are fast enough, you should get either the a toy ring, nothing, or on very rare occasions, a bear ring.(It is a good idea to save before doing this so that you save time and hearts).
Enemies That Drop DSS Cards
To defeat Death very easily, just activate the Jupiter + Manticore DSS combo. Hissickles cannot hit you, and by this point in the game you will probably never runout of MP because this combo will use it slower than you can restore it.
Spinning Attack
When using the whip, hold down Attack to make it spin around in a circle. It willact like a shield, so you cannot get hit by small enemies around you. Note: Youcannot move while you are doing this attack.
Use DSS In Battle Arena
In the Battle Arena, equip a good DSS Summon Combo (for example, Uranus + Cockatrice). Press Start, select 'Items', then 'Use', and use a 'Mind High' (not a 'Mind Restore' -- however they can work, but you will need to be extremely fast). Immediately after exiting the pause menu, press the DSS button. When your character is done casting, press Down, Forward, Up, Attack. If done fast enough, you should have pulled off a summon in the Battle Arena.
Defeating Dragon Zombies (Twin Dragons)
To defeat the Dragon Zombies easily, whenever you get hurt, jump up to the platform by the door where you entered the room and activate the Jupiter + Mandragora DSS combo to heal yourself. A fireball may hit you every once in a while, but it is very rare.
Apollo, Uranus, And Pluto + Salamander
here is how to use those DSS. Press L andactivate it. then press down, right, up, B veryfast(not super fast but kinda fast). thatactivates those cards. you can also do down,left, up, B.
Thief Mode
Successfully complete 'Shooter' mode, then start a new game and enter 'DAGGER' asa name. If you entered the code correctly, 'Thief' will appear on the optionscreen. Nathan stats will then be reduced in both the value they start andincrease with each level, except with LCK (Luck). Nathan will start with thevalue of 1600 LCK, and will gain an additional 160 LCK with each level (so atlevel 11 he will have 3200, and 4800 at 21, etc.).
Shooter Mode
Successfully complete 'Fighter' mode, then start a new game and enter 'CROSSBOW'as a name. If you entered the code correctly, 'Shooter' will appear on the optionscreen. Nathan will then have a substantial number of hearts, extra sub-weapondamage, and can use the Homing Dagger sub-weapon in this mode.
Fighter Mode
Successfully complete 'Magician' mode, then start a new game and enter 'GRADIUS'as a name. If you entered the code correctly, 'Fighter' will appear on the optionscreen. Nathan will then be stronger and able to sustain more damage. There areno trading cards in this mode.
Magician Mode
Successfully complete the game, then start a new game and enter 'FIREBALL' as aname. If you entered the code correctly, 'Magician' will appear on the optionscreen. All trading cards will then be available under the DSS option.
We have no unlockables for Castlevania: Circle of the Moon yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Circle Of The Moon 5e
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We have no glitches for Castlevania: Circle of the Moon yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: yobemag.Read the full guide..
Created by: ChrisMog2.Read the full guide..
Created by: Sheik.Read the full guide..
Castlevania Circle Of The Moon
Created by: DaLadiesMan.Read the full guide..